Salam alaik buat semua..
Semalam wish samat hari guru kat my ma and my pa. Rasa happy sgt2 dapat ucap paling awal..even the date is actually today. Hehe..
Today’s post is about Hari I was wandering and planning to talk a little bit bout my own story. Kinda weird actually to make a post bout my self but I guest I should give it a try. Ok, so this is a story a bout my excellent teachers that brings me to who I am today.
Sy kepoh. So tyme tadika lagi cikgu2 salu bagik tumpuan kat sy and classify me as budak nakal. Hehe.. Cikgu tadika sy sowg ni merupakan sumwan yg ajar sy ntuk solat dengan betul..1st person that give me chance to show my talent time tadika… and I still remember her name; Cikgu Zah. Dia salu bagi sy galakan ntuk be brave atas pentas and excel in my exams. Seawal umur 6 tahun sy dah masuk pertandingan syarahan peringkat PASTI..hehe. Rasenya x menang pon, tapi that is my 1st time I stand among big crowds. TQ cikgu sbb ajar sy solat…TQ cikgu sebab ajar sy cara nk bercakap depan orang…and TQ cikgu ntuk semua pengalaman yg xkan sekali2 sy lupakan ini.
Bila masuk skolah rendah I do have issues ngan membaca. Sy boleh membaca ngan elok time darjah 2. Teruk kan? Hehe.. Nama cikgu Bahasa Melayu sy time tuh is Cikgu Zainab. Garang wooo… tapi sebab dia garang gak la sy dh boleh membaca smpai ke hari ni. Setiap kali sy bace buku, sy akan ingatkan cikgu. So here I wanna give my greatest credits for u..Cikgu Zainab. TQ kerana sabar mengajar sy smpai sy boleh membaca.
One of the biggest reason why I choose medicine is I do so bad in Math. Pengalaman paling sy xleh lupa pasal math is during my lower form kat MADA dulu. Sorang cikgu sy ni nama dia Cikgu Yati. Seorang yg amat2 hebat mengajar math. Sy ni slow tahap gaban la math dedolu…( skg pon asenya). Tapi tyme study math form 3, dia bg sy semangat. Dia kate, sy cabar awk ntuk buktikan yg awk mampu buat A dalam math sekalipun awk xsuka math. The result, alhamdulillah I got A. Hanya Allah yg Maha Tahu betapa sy amat rindukan cikgu. Terima kasih cikgu atas segala usaha cikgu, dorongan yg dah cikgu bagik smpai sy berjaya dlm PMR. Wanna noe something guys? Sy xleh nk hafal sifir and sampai hari ni sy masih xdapat hafal sifir 6, 7 and 8. (^_^)
My life start to be more exciting when I enter maahad. MMP is such a great school yg membariskan tenaga kerja yg superb! The most unforgettable academic memory I have during my study session kat maahad was Miss Hayley..( I dunnoe the correct spelling of her name so for those readers that used to be my school mate, correct me if I’m wrong). She’s awesome. Her English is like I’m talking to a native American people. I love her slang!!! She inspired me to better my English. She help’s a lot in my study and alhamdulillah teacher…I do score your subject. TQ Miss Hayley as u always encourage me to be brave and used my English even it was totally broken…cuz today it’s a way better than before.
Dedolu sy penah enter pertandingan syarahan and debate BA masa kat maahad. Memula cuak gak la. Tapi bila dh move to the next and next round perasaan gugup tuh makin hilang. Tau x sape jurulatih sy?? Ustaz Akmal and Ustaz Suazhar..ustaz feymes kat maahad. Ustaz Akmal banyak bagi sy tunjuk ajar…siapkan teks syarahan yg panjang berjela2 tuh. Ustaz Su plak xpenah jemu bagi sy semangat. Im sorry as I can’t make to the top for syarahan but as I promised to both of and my comrades to very well in debate. So ntuk Ustaz Su and Ustaz Akmal, ashkurkuma alfa3 syukran for all those memories!
Grad from maahad I move on to matrik gopeng. Tempat yg sy amat2 xnak pegi tapi kena pegi gak last.. (T.T) but I end up loving KMPk with my entire irony kan? My precious memory kat KMPk is so many but most unforgettable is when I was selected to represent our country for some event kat Manila. Puan Rosyidah is person in charge tyme tuh and she believes in me. I was so nervous but she talk to me herself and said:
“This is a dream come true…to represent our college..our nation..our country but most of all.. our religion. Go and shine! “
So here ntuk Puan Rosyidah…TQ for your support..TQ for the opportunity u gave…and TQ for being my advisor. Puan Rosyidah is not my teacher but she teach me something I can’t get from classes…it’s BELIEVE IN MY SELF!
Before I boarded into medicine, I used to take allied health science kat UKM KL for one semester. Kat sane there is one lecturer that teach me subjek Pengurusan Masa (PM). Nama lecturer ni is Dr. Fadhilah (sorry ingat2 lupa nama lect ni). Dia pernah ajar kami tentang objective hidup. Sy pernah speak up my objective…one of it is that after I grad my OT’s degree, I wanna apply for Commonwealth scholar to do medicine. Dia aminkan cita2 saya hari tuh and 2 weeks later cita2 sy dimakbulkan. Sy xde la dapat scholar commonwealth…but I get opportunity to do medicine. She was so happy and dia nasihatkan sy ntuk sentiasa memandang ke bawah skalipun siapa sy akan jadi suatu hari nanti. TQ Dr. sebab aminkan doa sy hari tu… and TQ for being a role model to me.
Mereka yg sy mention diatas hanyalah beberapa orang guru yg dh mencorak hidup sy hari ni. Siapa pon kita…kita bermula dengan sowg guru. A doctor…even a prime minister… semuanya bermula dengan didikan seorang guru. Untuk kawan2 choose to be a teacher syukurlah sangat2 pada Allah kerana tugas sorang cikgu adalah tugas yg amat mulia. Sekalipun anda dah xder nanti…ilmu bermanfaat yg anda ajarkan pada anak2 didik anda nanti merupakan wasilah (jalan) ntuk anda beroleh pahala.
Sebelum mengakhiri entry hari ni…SINERGIHATI nak mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI GURU buat semua guru2 di mana saja anda berada..Guru Penjana Transformasi Pendidikan Negara!
Salam singgah dari Jordan.
Salam ziarah...
Nice sharing...
Sejarah silam yg mengundang kerinduan...=)
selamat hari guru.
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